Qniversity Episode 6 – Is It Okay To Lie?

Actors in Hollywood are marvelous liars, aren’t they? They’re hypocrites. They’re actors. They become somebody else and they’re often very good at it. In Stephen King’s book called, “On Writing” he said that fiction is the truth inside the lie. This quotation has haunted me for a long time now. I thought it was true that it’s easier to tell the truth through art, through artifice, than it is through reality because reality is so insane.

Did you notice when you start to study Q that one thing leads to another and one thing leads to another and as the Q folks say we fall down a rabbit hole and one warren leads to another. It’s very, very confusing sometimes. One thinks of the term spin-doctor. We spin round and round and round and we don’t know where the hell we are.

Is it okay to lie? Stephen King says it is. But I wonder. I’ve thought many times over the years, is it okay to lie, to achieve a higher purpose? My answer is, No. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and his enemy, Satan, is the father of lies. Jesus said he was a liar from the very beginning and that there is no truth in him.


My name is Professor Douglas Belmore. I have taught English in higher education for three decades in California, Arizona, New Mexico and South Korea. I have always stood by the belief that unrestricted access to universal human truths should form the core of all learning. I believe freedom itself rests upon the preservation and nourishment of young minds, and as a lifelong teacher, I have done everything in my power to protect this fundamental ideal. Recently I was fired from my post for standing up for what’s right. https://youtu.be/KVeDKuHPDK8

For many years, I was growing steadily more disenchanted as I watched a creeping shadow over my profession that appeared to contradict everything I believed in. Eternal truths became open to debate, and eventually no longer accepted. Facts became subjective. Countless young lives were being squandered and destroyed before my eyes as they drank in these distortions of reason.

There was no way this was happening by accident and my soul could not rest until I found who was behind it, and WHY.

I was shocked at what I learned, but not surprised. I discovered the world was in the firm grip of a malevolent global criminal enterprise that had gone undetected because regular people could not comprehend that governments and the media could be infiltrated to that extent. We didn’t believe a criminal gang could be large enough to get away with the heist of an entire world’s economy, or collapse whole nations into a state of starvation, war and death.

But today, unexpectedly, the tide has turned. It appears good elements in the upper power systems of our world have begun an unprecedented cleanup operation to push back the advance of this trans-generational criminal world order, and are in the process of restoring justice and peace to our dying planet.

Over the next few years, humanity will no longer be able to ignore what is being called The Great Awakening. Events will unfold showing a reset from Dark to Light that will include prosecutions of high level government and media personalities from all over the world.

I chose to be on the right side of history, and I was fired for it. They may have taken my livelihood, but they will never stop me from teaching the truth. With help from the intelligence insider known as Q and hundreds of researchers unpicking the Great Awakening as it unfolds, get ready to step inside The Qniversity.

I lost my livelihood trying to tell the truth. I did not choose to be anonymous in speaking out about Q, so I ended up becoming a casualty of the war for our minds and the Globalist agenda to suppress the truth. I am not a profiteer. I’m just a teacher whom nobody will hire all because of my decision to speak out against a hidden establishment that has kept us in a state of bondage for longer than I’ve been alive. At the same time, I refuse to be a victim or a charity case. I am a TEACHER, and I want nothing more than to continue my work in waking people up from their slumber and to put in the sweat to achieve that end. Patriots of the Great Awakening have been so compassionate for my plight, but now it’s my turn to give back and make sure these generous donations are put to work to reverse decades of Globalist programming that had brought humanity to its knees.

SOURCE: Professor Douglas Belmore
Twitter: TheQniversity … YouTube: Qniversity
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=28898395
Paypal: https://paypal.me/ProfDouglasBelmore

Not affiliated with Trump, Q or any intel source other than what is publicly available here:
Q intel drops: https://bit.ly/2QUTFrb
Q proofs: https://bit.ly/2FTZqPC


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